High pressure treatments accelerate changes in volatile composition of sulphur dioxide-free wine during bottle storage

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Authors: Mickael C. Santos, Cláudia Nunes, M. Angélica M. Rocha, Ana Rodrigues, Sílvia M. Rocha, Jorge A. Saraiva, Manuel A. Coimbra


The impact of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) treatments on volatile composition of sulphur dioxide-free wines during bottle storage was studied. For this purpose, white and red wines were produced without sulphur dioxide (SO2) and, at the end of the alcoholic fermentation, the wines were pressurised at 500 MPa and 425 MPa for 5 min. Wine with 40 ppm of SO2 and a wine without a preservation treatment were used as controls. More than 160 volatile compounds, distributed over 12 chemical groups, were identified in the wines by an advanced gas chromatography technique. The pressurised wines contained a higher content of furans, aldehydes, ketones, and acetals, compared with unpressurised wines after 9 months of storage. The changes in the volatile composition indicate that HHP treatments accelerated the Maillard reaction, and alcohol and fatty acid oxidation, leading to wines with a volatile composition similar to those of faster aged and/or thermally treated wines.

Read full study: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0308814615007153?via%3Dihub

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