Hydroprocessing of lipids extracted from marine microalgae Nannochloropsis T 1. over sulfided CoMoP/Al2O3 catalyst

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Authors: M.K. Poddar, M. Anand, S.A. Farooqui, G.J.O. Martin, M.R. Maury A.K. Sinha


Hydroprocessing of neutral lipids extracted from Nannochloropsis sp. algal biomass was studied over sulfided cobalt molybdenum phosphorus/aluminium oxide (CoMoP/Al2O3) catalyst in a batch reactor at 300–375 °C with H2 at 50–120 bar. A clear light yellowish green product was obtained, containing 6–26% gasoline, 35 50% kerosene, 8–40% diesel, with 10–80% alkanes, 1–10% cycloalkanes, and 5–35% aromatics, with a maximum of 10% char formation in the process. Power law kinetic model was validated with experimental results. A kinetic study shows a pseudo 1st order reaction with respect to the neutral algae lipids oil concentration, with the activation energy for algal oil conversion over CoMoP/Al2O3 catalyst was 14.96 kJ/mol. Activation energies for the formation of diesel (125 kJ/mol) and kerosene (146 kJ/mol) were higher than for the heavy hydrocarbons such as PAH (7 kJ/mol) and alkanes (64 kJ/mol) products.

Read full study: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0961953418302149?via%3Dihub

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